Big Day Out

Three men of varying sizes guide you on a day trip of comic characters and sketches. This is their Edinburgh story.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

End Of The Show (posted by Matt)

Well that's it. I'm now back in sunny Somerset for a few days before returning to the day job next Monday, Lewis is back at the coal face of writing Dream Team tomorrow, and Will is preparing to find work before panto. The final show on Monday, for those of you interested in such things, was amazing. A sell-out, unusual for the last day, and a great crowd who had clearly taken advantage of the discounted booze. We played around a lot, trying to make each other laugh but not ruining the show, and the response was incredible. Although I'm sure we will blog from time to time again, thank you to everyone who has found time in their busy work/private lives to find out what we were doing. Stay tuned for news of a run in London town, but for now, thank you and goodnight...

Monday, August 29, 2005

One More Show: For The Kids (posted by Lewis)

I haven't been a regular blogger. In many ways, my forrays into the interweb world of media communication have could be described as lacklustre. Every time I blog it is a marker - a line in the sand. As these lines in the sands of time stretch out further and further along the beach of comedy, it becomes more and more apparent that this is all about to come to an end. The circus is leaving town. The show has gone on and on and on and on, but now we only have one show to go and we don't want to leave. Although judging by the amount of contrived, mixed and downright sentimental metaphors in this opening paragraph, it's probably a good thing that we are. In three hours time we perform our last show of Edingburgh 2005 in the PLeasance Courtyard. Show number 26. At four o'clock we'll make our way through the courtyard and down the corrugated stairs that lead to our hut. The Hut. I love the Hut. We'll say hello to Selena, Simon and Danny - the best venue staff in the whole festival (FACT), and the three of us will cram ourselves into "the cabin" - the small portabal cupboard that has been our winnebago for the past month. We'll all strip down to our pants - Will and Matt will put on extra pairs - and then we'll throw on our suits. Talk about how many tickets we've sold today, whether people were friendly during flyering and probably laugh at something that would only be funny to three boys who have lived inside each others' personal space twenty four hours a day for the last 30 days. Will then usually has a bit of wind. At 4.30pm we will hear the applause coming from inside the Hut, signalling that the show before us has ended. We carry our stuff into the backstage room and go into our own little routines of readiness. Have you got your balaclavas? Leaflets? Hour glass? Flip phone? Pick? Lollipop? Check. A big hug - a shout of "have a good one Ross" to our technician, Ross - and then Shaft. That's the theme from Shaft - not anything funny... But I've said too much and William has just made me a cup of tea.

Ultimate (posted by Matt)

Well that’s it. It’s amost all over. After 31 days, 25 shows, 10,000 flyers, 1,500 posters, more pints of cider than I dare tell my mother, more dinners out than Michael Winner, celebrity spotting, boozing, schmoozing and laughing, Big Day Out’s Edinburgh Festival is about to come to an end. More than 1,000 people have bought tickets to see our sketch show, we have sold out more times than not, received a total of 11 stars from reviewers and rubbed shoulders with comedians, writers and producers who have been unbelievably kind about our Edinburgh debut. But this is not the time for boasting; this is a time for rather more humble reflection, if I am capable of such things. It’s been a struggle, at times an expensive one, often a stressful one, but somehow Lewis, Will and I created a show that people wanted to come and see, to tell their friends about and in many cases get in touch with us. But to all the people who made the trip over the border and searched us out in our cosy little venue, thank you. To all the people who sent messages of support, thank you. And to all our friends, family and loved ones who have not seen enough of us, felt ignored in place of larking about with hats and dresses, listened to us talking endlessly about the intricacies of our inter-sketch politics, thank you, thank you, thank you. It’s been an amazing, emotional, funny, tiring, hungover, painful, unforgettable experience, but we have one more show to do before, I fear, it’s back to the real world.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Penultimate (posted by Matt)

Well that's it - that's the last time we will pack up after a show. After tomorrow's show (Monday) we'll be tossing most of the props in the bin and preparing to bury Will's plastic parrot in the garden when we get back. It's all a bit sad but some of our guests here at Big Day Out towers are cooking dinner tonight and we'll be painting Edinburgh town red later so expect incoherent blogging tomorrow. At the risk of sounding ever so slightly like a bummer, i am quite sad about the idea of not spending 24 hours a day within 3 feet of Will and Lewis. They are good boys. But enough of that sentimental nonsense.I'm off to turn the water heater off while Will's in the shower. Ahhh, great mates.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Star Spotting (posted by Matt)

What a time we are having as we reach the much-feared climax of this month of wine and song. In case heat are reading this we begin with celeb news. Golden Globe winning man of The Office and Extras Steven Merchant tried to get tickets to the show on Thursday - but another sell out left the giant of comedy out in the cold. While we're on the subject, the weather has turned decidedly unpleasant and i fear my shorts are now destined for the drawer for another year. Lewis and I attended a premiere of The Aristocrats. Mr Merchant was there again, along with Dara O'Briain, Jimmy Carr and Stewart Lee. Lewis was sat next to the legendary Barry Cryer, but I'm sure he'll blog on that himself. Yesterday, Friday, was a very weird show - the audience didn't clap at all until the very end of the show. But they seemed to enjoy it, and we've had an email from Richard and his girlfriend, who "stumbled into the show at the last minute and completely unaware of what to expect. Great stuff, you are all very funny and very talented! All the best in the future." Which is great feedback. Also thanks to music teacher Grace Burrl who said she enjoyed the show, in particular "music and harmonies" which though a great compliment, does make me wonder about the quality of music teaching in the Birmingham area. My mother is certainly not a fan of my singing voice. Thanks to everyone who has been in touch, and feel free to use the contact page to get in touch, compliment or criticise.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Perrier Nominations (posted by Matt)

Justin Edwards, the comedy collosus performing Jeremy Lion at the fringe for the third year, and director of our show, has been nominated for the Perrier Award. ( All three of us are delighted for him.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Radio Ga-Ga (posted by Matt)

Just been confirmed to do Fred MacAulay's show on Radio Scotland on Friday morning from 9.30am. Listen in on or you can listen again after the event.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Flyers (posted by Will)

Well, it's the last week of the festival and there's only one question on everyone's lips... what the heck are we going to do with 5'000 flyers? Aeroplanes? Coasters? I think i know what i'll be using for Christmas cards this year...

christmas cards.

Seven Days (posted by Lewis)

Just to confirm that I am a) still alive and b) still a member of Big Day Out. It's not that I've been neglecting to blog, it's just that my blogging - buried amongst the consistent performing / flyering / boozing / eating haggis has been neglected. But here I am. I've missed you all. Each and every one of you - and I intend to make up for the lack of...hang on: I've just remembered I've got some toast in the toaster...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Theatre, Choir, Popworld (posted by Matt)

A weird day. Saw a quite strongly feminist 'message' theatre thing this morning (well started at 12.45pm but to me that's the middle of the ruddy night). Did an average job of flyering, sold about 44 some of which were people coming to see what they missed after the fire alarm (see below). Quite a quiet crowd. After got sausage and mash for dinner before seeing Silver Swan in McEwan Hall. Just amazing. It was a 30 minute choral reworking of two 17th century pieces, not my usual bag but just stunning, in a stunning setting. Seeing Popworld's Simon Amstell tonight. Funny old mixed bag this fringe stuff.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Alarm Bells (posted by Matt)

Just when you thought the blog had become all sell-outs and boozing, along comes a bit of drama. In today's show just as Will hit the high note in the Oliver! porn song, a steward burst in and announced the venue was being evacuated. Five minutes later we're stood with a disappointed crowd on some rough ground joking about how the second half was even better. Ten minutes later we're back in the venue getting ready to pick up where we left off. Fifteen minutes later the show has been cancelled and we're disappointingly packing props away. The audience had been great, (immodestly) I thought we had been putting in a good performance and a false alarm at the nearby sports centre had put an end to it all. Still, I didn't have to put the Tim Henman gear on.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Final Push (posted by Matt)

As I seem to be the only person left blogging on the site I thought I would try to do at least a few words each day. Today was something of a landmark for several reasons. But first I've decided to stop talking about being tired/drunk/hungover on the blog -it's taken as given by now and my mother will start to worry. But suffice to say this morning I awoke full of cider and the appropriate level of self-loathing that comes with knowing most people have been awake for five or six hours. But at 12.15pm we got a call to say Peter Groves, friend of BDO, had tried to book tickets and been told we had sold out. Five hours before the show starts. Which for the three of us, who had spent months bracing ourselves for struggling to get people in to see us, was amazing. So today was the first day with no flyering at all. It was also the last day we had a two-digit number of shows left. From now on we have 9 shows left which makes me a bit sad already - brace yourself for melancholy next weekend. It has been, and still is, an amazing experience which has exceeded my wildest dreams and drinking capacity. (Sorry). Today also saw some drama with a bag of props and costumes going missing until minutes before the show and the last of our Ikea stools finally giving up the ghost. Tomorrow I shall be mostly standing during the show and trying to take it all in for the final week. Have also agreed to see a show at 10.30am tomorrow (Sunday). I can't remember what the world looks like at that time. But with a cup of tea in bed at 11pm on a Saturday night, I'm determined to find out. Sweet dreams...

Friday, August 19, 2005

Sell, Sell, Sell (posted by Matt)

Big boozy meal with the whole house last night - dinner then late night red wine in Brookes Bar - The Pleasance watering hole for performers. Rolled in at nearly 5am this morning. Bit tired before the show which sold out without any meaningful flyering which was probably for the best. Great crowd who soon cheered up despite a massive downpour just before doors opened. Planning a quiet one tonight...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Why Does It Always Rain On My Parade? (posted by Matt)

Has been raining a lot today. Didn't put the dampners on the show though - which sold out by 4pm today - the Scotsman effect which is great. But rest on our laurels we must not and tomorrow morning will see frantic stapling of reviews to flyers.

Four Stars, Three Headaches (posted by Matt)

What a morning - the morning after the night before. Late last night with Lewis, Will and I scattered across Edinburgh boozing, Will half-heartedly checked the early editions of the Scotsman to see if they had printed the review. They had. Four stars, a big picture and a review that warms the comedy cockles of our hearts. You can read it below but suffice to say we drank champagne last night (admittedly I was alternating between champagne and Taunton-made cider) and a reet good time was had by all.

Three bickering telephone terrorists, two unsettling encounters in doctors' surgeries and one exorbitant restaurant bill add up to one gem of a sketch show, tucked away in the Pleasance Hut, which, for your own reference, is located round the back of beyond.

This tight, imaginatively-scripted hour is deftly delivered by the golden comedy compound of a short guy, a tall bloke and a ginger in the middle - which is probably the standard entry requirement for some burlesque acts.

Matt Chorley, William Kenning and Lewis Georgeson, to give them less reductive identities, make an appealing trio. They seem to intuitively respond to one another's cues - or maybe they are just gifted comic actors with a keen attention for detail and spot-on timing, which never wavers, even at the most hectic spots in their set.

At one point they use a post-work drinks session as an excuse to cram in a bunch of one-liners and floating punchlines which might otherwise still be looking for a home. The humour is located slightly left of centre, but is broadly accessible.

Silly a cappella versions of the Knight Rider, Grange Hill and Simpsons theme tunes might sound like a lazy way to get a laugh, but, y'know, they were just funny.

Similarly, we've seen the likes of rubbish Welsh life coach Darren Mint portrayed before, but we never tire of laughing at the ineptitude of outright idiots. Their radio play, with a harassed author, a method actor and an overzealous props man, is riotous. Their sketch about minorities in the workplace is riotous and clever.

The extracts from Michael Stipe's diary, portraying him as the ultimate pass-the-beanbake wet lettuce hippy liberal waif, could run and run. The audience would not have objected if they had let it.

Big Day Out is the kind of quality sketch show that could flourish on word of mouth alone, but it doesn't hurt to give them a quote for next year's poster. And, after such an impressive debut, there surely will be a next year's poster.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Three Weeks, the festival newspaper, has given us a four star review.
Three Weeks
It would be difficult for anyone not to warm to the ‘Big Day Out’ trio. The beginning sequence, involving flying having foam, a bit of a dance and a man playing jazz on a kettle immediately engages the audience. The sketches are tightly written and all three performers skilfully deliver their characters and ideas with clarity, wit and appropriate eccentricity. There is a radio show with a method actor pirate, a man addicted to dog milk, and a wonderful song about the British institution that is Tim Henman. Special mention to the barbershop versions of Knight Rider and Grange Hill. Not all the material is successful, but the charm of the trio and their incessant playfulness ensures a faithful following.Three Weeks 17/8/05

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Don't Drink And Drive A Sketch Show (posted by Matt)

Last night saw us take to the stage of another late-night showcase – this time performing 15 minutes worth of material. A shambles is probably a bit strong but it wasn’t the best thing we’ve ever done. Having said that the compere’s opening banter centred on “biscuits, eh, biscuits? Custard creams, that’s a biscuit, American’s love the sound of Jammy Dodgers, eh?” so we came across pretty well. I may have had a thimble of cider before we went on and made the first mistake of the first sketch, throwing us all off completely. But the show must, and did, go on

Monday, August 15, 2005

On the sell out board (posted by Matt)

WE DID IT!!! We got on the sell out board!!! a cracking sell out which meant we finally FINALLY got on the official Pleasance board of shows which have sold out. A cracking show with a crowd who laughed if they thought it was good but made us work for it. Brilliant. Doing another late night showcase thing tonight. 15 glorious minutes in front of a drunken midnight crowd. Bit tiddly on red wine already...

At The Top Of The Hill (posted by Lewis)

I'm still here. I haven't blogged in ages. Maybe I've been eating too many eggs. They're a binding agent you know. Toilet humour aside, today sees us prepare for show number thirteen. I'm sure this will play havoc with William's superstitions, but more significantly it marks the halfway point in our Edinburgh adventure. This makes me sad. It's all a bit too much fun. I wish we still had twenty six shows to go. We haven't. Tonight we are once again performing at a sketch night late at night. We'll be doing fifteen minutes at the Electric Cabaret. We don't know anything else about it so I can't offer you anymore information. Sorry.

New Kids Off The Blocks (posted by Matt)

Well, it's another Monday morning in the Big Day Out house. The awesome news from my end is the workman who have been grinding down concrete blocks outside my bedroom window have not turned up for work this morning. Let's hope they make it back tomorrow - I'm swapping rooms with Will this week.My sleeping arrangements aside, all is well in BDO-land. Had a really good crowd yesterday (Sunday) and apparently had a national newspaper into review us. We also bade farewell to Alyson, Diane and Simon who had been with us for a few days. More guests arrive this week. Oh and saw Will Young ordering a 'milky latte' or somesuch beverage yesterday in a bar near our venue. If only my autograph book wasn't full from spotting Gordon Strachan earlier in the week.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Rain, Rain Go Away (posted by Matt)

It's raining in Edinburgh. It's raining in Manchester so the cricket has been called off. The boys are painting pigs and piles of horse shit onto a picket fence for Laura's farming show.

Long time no blog (posted by Will)

Well, it's been an eventful few days. There's been reviewers, cake, arrivals and departures and n awful lot of washing shirts. The crowds are out in force this weekend again. We had 54 in yesterday which is 1 off the official sell out so we didn't make the sold out board. We'll have to go for it today. Laura and Ferry have now arrived and do their first show today. There's a trail of hay now from our front door to the pleasance. I believe this to be somthing to do with Laura's set rather than an elaberate method of finding our way back home after a few too many wine gums. Still, it worked for Theaseus...(wool, hay...same difference.)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Ma And Pa (posted by Matt)

Mother and father arrive in town so must be on best behaviour. Alyson and Diane arrived last night to stay for the weekend. Laura (of Laura Black Goes Farming) has now moved into the flat. Not fascinating stuff but tis all true.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Birthday Boy (posted by Matt)

Tus young William's Birthday today - I baked him a cake which was fairly successful. This really is rock and roll. Show went well as well today - not as hot and a good crowd.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hot Hot Heat (posted by Matt)

A tough old show tonight - really, really hot and struggled not to let the heat and sweat swamp me. Why did we decide suits, dressing gowns and balaclavas were a good costume???Really good, positive feedback from people who saw it though. Got good laughs but am physically drained.

Midnight Musical Shenanigans (posted by Matt)

Just a quick word on the musical Spank! night we did last night. Did The Henman Song. Went real well - I didn't have to do any more than put my shorts on and fall over but Will and Lewis put in a sterling effort. Think it went OK but the monitors were so loud we couldn't hear if the audience were laughing, which is possibly the most feeble excuse I've ever employed. But tis true.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Lambs To The Slaughter (posted by Matt)

Not bad going. This is the earliest I've been awake so far this week. 9.15am and already showered. Fascinating stuff these blogs... Anyway, big night tonight, after doing our show we're doing the Henman Song at a showcase night. Priorite a Gauche and Justin Edwards are also on the bill. Usually known as Spank the night is notorious for getting a bit out of hand, largely down to the fact it kicks off at midnight. If this show takes balls to do, I should be fine what with my collection of different sized tennis balls. Maybe I'm over-reacting. But as retail therapy I'm going to pop out for some new shorts later.

Dark Clouds Looming (posted by Matt)

There is a big dark black cloud hanging over the flat today. Literally. I think it means it will rain soon. Had a cracking show yesterday - a sell-out with a tougher audience than Monday who laughed quieter but then went mad for the Henman Song. The day’s highlight is a really nice email from Rosie Newcombe who said: "I'm only 14 but I found Big Day out amazing! Me and my mum were the ones laughing the most... And the guy next to us. If it became a TV show sketch like Chewin' the fat I think it'll do absolutely great! And I'm the kid, the best critics out here! - Keep making the world laugh" She is, as far as we know, a genuine fan and was a nice surprise to get that this morning. Particularly as this week we have had a few children in with their stony faced parents unimpressed by our 'adult content' so thanks to the Newcombe family.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Half a Swinger (posted by Will)

Tried to watch Swingers on DVD back at the flat but too tired to enjoy it really. It's all those hard sessions at the gym i've been enjoying. And i certainly haven't been eating any cheese. Had three sellout shows now which is fabuloso. When that little hut is packed it's a great atmosphere, even if it does tilt to one side and reach about 100 degrees. I didn't know it was possible to sweat through a shirt and suit and into your tie. Must be all that cheese i've been eating...whooops.

Home Alone (posted by Lewis)

I don't like these computer things. I just wrote a really long blog and then lost it. Apparently I didn't save it - or something. It's all Greek to me. We're having a quiet night tonight. It's just the three of us in the flat: Nobby, Chalky and Ginge. We've eaten some pasta and are now waiting to fall asleep. I can't wait. Last night was tremendous. Ended up in the Speigel Tent (a big tent next to the Gilded Balloon - with dancing and booze). I have to be honest, I was a little bit tipsy. Must have been something I drank.

Metro Review (posted by Matt)

The Metro review is out today. Three stars which is good.

Metro 8/8/05
Performing in the Pleasance’s Hut space can be a graveyard for talent in much the same way as the notorious Court Two at Wimbledon.With audiences crammed into cramped seating in a nasty temporary structure, it requires vibrant, assured performances to lighten the fabricated gloom.

Big Day Out passes the test with flying colours; while some of their material is patchy, this trio of comics have created a sketch show that should win them plenty of admirers. By dint of being very tall and studiously officious, William Kenning should immediately be sworn in as this year’s Fringe player who most resembles John Cleese while Lewis Georgeson deadpans well and Matt Chorley bravely suffers through the indignities of low-budget comedy.

Whether wearing a swimming cap to impersonate Michael Stipe, a blonde wig and a dress as a female diner with a passing resemblance to Harpo Marx or simply being hit in the face with an open tub of butter, Chorley mugs likeably without overplaying.

Some of the sketches lack punchlines, and the climactic skit about a pirate radio play is too manic to hit home.But the best routines, such as barbershop renditions of the themes for Knight Rider, Dr Who and Grange Hill come over freshly and with strong comic timing.If they can polish up the sketches, Big Day Out will be offering a trip worth taking.

Eddie Harrison. Metro 8/8/05

Off The Wagon (posted by Matt)

All gone a bit wrong. Andrew, Chris and Alex, our flyering boys, cooked a big dinner last night and I may have mixed the grape and the grain. Apologies for no 'blog' yesterday. Not because it was the day of the Lord but straightforward tardiness. Came very close to our first sell-out of the run yesterday. Promised the boys champagne if they managed it. Instead we had Freixenet Cava as a compromise. Show going really well. Good response from audiences. Met Alan and Anne Mitchell who had travelled up from Taunton for the tattoo but came to see the show after reading about us in the Taunton Times. They said they'd enjoyed it. Got a few TV types coming to see us this week and a big review looming at the end of the week. No news on Metro. Must find painkillers.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

On The Wagon (posted by Matt)

Just woken up feeling very strange. My head doesn't hurt, my mouth feels fresh, in short I'm not hungover. This will not last. Just been on BBC Somerset Sound. Or rather I was woken up at 9.15am to be on Somerset Sound and listened to Lewis do the whole interview. A tactical cough towards the end of the exchange meant I got to answer one question. Life in the media is never dull...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Waiting Game (posted by Matt)

Nothing in Metro this morning. Will have to wait till next week to see if a review appears. Feeling a bit funny after one or two too many ciders last night. Sunny day but the last thing i want to do is go flyering. Will be leaving the house soon to go flyering.

Getting into the swing (posted by Will)

Well we've made it to Friday. Starting to commit to memory the very strange list of things to remember before the show - Milk in babies bottle? check. Fresh cucumbers? check. Butter for Matt's face? check. No male genitalia on flip chart paper? check.'s a strange set of things to bring along but omitting one could leave us with egg all over our faces (or butter). Matt can't wait to go flyering. We can't stop him talking about anything else this morning.

Roll With It (posted by Matt)

We now have toilet roll - which after three of us and our three flyering 'boys' had a commmunal curry is probably for the best. Toilet humour aside we had Metro in to review us today so put in a major effort on flyering. Seemed to work. Fingers crossed on the review. Friend of the show Harrie Smith said: "After the show my lips were aching." Which I take to mean she was smiling and laughing a lot. Or has a lazy face. She also lost at pool. That's it for now, 1.51am, we are SO showbiz.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

We're Out Of Toilet Roll (posted by Lewis)

We've performed at the Edinburgh Fringe. Even if we head home now we've done it - although that would seem a shame. For one my mum and dad would have a wasted journey next week. Last night we welcomed our first house guests. Three men from Somerset (not the Wurzels) have set up camp in the front room. It's created that nice hostel feel to the place - beans on toast for breakfast; stories of the night before; queues for the shower; and a shortage of toilet tissue.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

One Down, 25 To Go (posted by Matt)

Well, that's show one out of the way. Had 12 people in, which with no flyering or pre-publicity was pretty good. It means we only need to recoup £6,437 from the remaining 25 shows. Perfick. No major disasters, i couldn't find my wig for one sketch and had a bit of trouble picking up my balls for henman but all went well.

Big Tub of Butter (posted by Will)

Terrible news! Sainsburys local only has 'I can't beleive it's not butter' in large sized tubs. As we all know this is blue as opposed to Big Day Out's fave brand 'Clover!' which is a handy yellow. Cruel fate, why do you mock us. Am feely a bit giddy with nn nn n erves.

Stop The Clocks (posted by Lewis)

I have just had a shower. The next time I have a shower we will have made our Edinburgh debut - unless I have an accident over the next couple of hours. This is possible.

AUGUST 3: Judgement Day (posted by Matt)

The day has, as they say, arrived. It's our first preview at 4.45pm today so wherever you are at that time, maybe take a moment to reflect on three men in a hot portakabin (for legal purposes it's a 'mobile building') sweating their way through last minute script changes and trying to find their stools in the dark. Bit, bit, bit nervous so am about to have a croissant and a milky latte. I think this is what they call 'keeping it real'.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Last Post (posted by Lewis)

Back from popular Scandinavian retailer, full of meatballs, and with three stools (white) and one table (dark blue). Now we are sat waiting - though not on the stools unfotunately as we are shy of a phillips screwdriver and a spanner. Will has been trying to use his fingers - but the lad's hands are just too big for such a fiddly job. It all starts tomorrow. We all feel in limbo - waiting to go into battle. Just waiting for the whistle to blow. We've sharpened our bayonets, written the final letters / poems home, checked our boots for holes and all learnt "the last post" on the harmonica (much to the annoyance of the neighbours). Waiting.

Take your seats (posted by Matt)

Will and Lewis have just headed off to a big name Swedish furniture warehouse to buy three stools and a table – otherwise the show will have to be performed from floor level. Sunny day but afternoon will be indoors constructing chairs and making last minute script changes.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Technical Rehearsal (posted by Matt)

All seemed to go well and although we do have a running order, a lot of the final script changes have yet to be made. To be fair we have only known about this for the last six months. Leaving everything to the last minute is very much our style.