Star Spotting (posted by Matt)
What a time we are having as we reach the much-feared climax of this month of wine and song. In case heat are reading this we begin with celeb news. Golden Globe winning man of The Office and Extras Steven Merchant tried to get tickets to the show on Thursday - but another sell out left the giant of comedy out in the cold. While we're on the subject, the weather has turned decidedly unpleasant and i fear my shorts are now destined for the drawer for another year. Lewis and I attended a premiere of The Aristocrats. Mr Merchant was there again, along with Dara O'Briain, Jimmy Carr and Stewart Lee. Lewis was sat next to the legendary Barry Cryer, but I'm sure he'll blog on that himself. Yesterday, Friday, was a very weird show - the audience didn't clap at all until the very end of the show. But they seemed to enjoy it, and we've had an email from Richard and his girlfriend, who "stumbled into the show at the last minute and completely unaware of what to expect. Great stuff, you are all very funny and very talented! All the best in the future." Which is great feedback. Also thanks to music teacher Grace Burrl who said she enjoyed the show, in particular "music and harmonies" which though a great compliment, does make me wonder about the quality of music teaching in the Birmingham area. My mother is certainly not a fan of my singing voice. Thanks to everyone who has been in touch, and feel free to use the contact page to get in touch, compliment or criticise.
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