Big Day Out

Three men of varying sizes guide you on a day trip of comic characters and sketches. This is their Edinburgh story.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Penultimate (posted by Matt)

Well that's it - that's the last time we will pack up after a show. After tomorrow's show (Monday) we'll be tossing most of the props in the bin and preparing to bury Will's plastic parrot in the garden when we get back. It's all a bit sad but some of our guests here at Big Day Out towers are cooking dinner tonight and we'll be painting Edinburgh town red later so expect incoherent blogging tomorrow. At the risk of sounding ever so slightly like a bummer, i am quite sad about the idea of not spending 24 hours a day within 3 feet of Will and Lewis. They are good boys. But enough of that sentimental nonsense.I'm off to turn the water heater off while Will's in the shower. Ahhh, great mates.